Mom Stays In The...... Yeah Yeah Yeah I get it!

April 17, 2019  •  2 Comments

In the last three years you see it all over social media so I don't need to go through explaining why Mommy & Me Sessions are important.

I will just explain the process.

15 minutes

Not very long huh?

Most kinds of photos you definitely need longer.

Why only 15?

Well it's not a about the posing.

It is about how your little ones express their love for you.

Ask a little one to sit and smile at the camera and it might take a whole hour to get a decent shot.

Ask them to hug and love Mom? 

The smile is immediate and each hug is different!

Do they come up behind Mom in the stranglehold move?

Do they wrap around the leg like a koala bear?

Do they curl up in Mom's lap and breathe in her scent?

Sometimes it's peaceful and a moment in time.

Others are fast paced, rib crushing madness that is your life.

The last Mommy & Me Session I did was with Lisa and Ridley.

Ridley can't run away yet she's under one so you think it would be a cake walk right?

Well at her age little ones usually have stranger danger, and I look nothing like Mom!

After she warmed up to the big, scary photographer (I usually tell my clients to come early so they get use to me and the studio!) we sat on the bed.

Ridley starts crawling around, talking to Mom.

I tell Lisa to lay back on the bed figuring I would get a shot of Ridley sitting on her while Mom kisses her fingers and toes.

Ridley had other plans.

She crawls over to Mom, lifts up her shirt and starts planting raspberries on her!

I stopped shooting and laughed so hard I was doubled over.

Not the loving, tender moment I was planning on, but something real and even better!

So come on in! I can't wait to see how you are loved! 

Mom  Me 2019-31Mom Me 2019-31


Mom & Me 2019-49Mom & Me 2019-49


Joplin Tree Care(non-registered)
Babies and moms. There is nothing better in life. Smiles and laughs all day.
great your work!
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