All The Single Ladies......

July 18, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Baby Animals

Day 7 & 8 of our 12 days of Christmas Giveaway was a photoshoot with a baby animal.

Spring came late and only lasted a week.

Then I was gone the month of June.

So we are finally getting around to the baby animals!

First I had to figure out how to get the animals.

Lots of my clients have farms and offered up there animals.

I just had Easter so I did not want to do bunnies, chicks or goats.

I had a lot of people offer their puppies but couldn't travel.

I called the Wonder Woman who comes to my studio with her bunnies and she had a solution.


I called up my clients at the last minute and they agreed on a spot!

Well I should of scouted the location before hand. There were two charity walks going on there that day.

We found a clear patch of green and made it work!

Of course the kids loved it.

I couldn't help but laugh. These tiny little fluff balls were stalking around the grass in full pounce mode trying to act much bigger then they were!

I feel like I should do kitten sessions every week they were so adorable!

The biggest lesson I learned was before the shoot though.

Chelsea and I were setting up across the parking lot, away from the charity run chaos.

We walked back to her vehicle to get the kittens.

As we approached the back of the open van there were no less then five extremely ripped, glowing, tanned, well muscled men that looked like they stepped off a firemen's calendar.

All of them in a semi circle around the van clutching a small kitten to their burly chests like they had found treasure.

You know that cartoon where they set a trap with a box and they pull the stick on a string when you reach for your prize?

It felt almost like that.

So all you single ladies I wish someone had told me in my twenties you just need to go to a random parking lot with a van full of kittens to snag a man!

You're Welcome!

xSummer 2018_-22xSummer 2018_-22





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