A Street Car......

March 08, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Ok first off no matter how old they are if you name your child Stella I will be smirking as you say it because Marlon Brandon will be screaming in my head.

Now that you know that, what is this blog really about?


Last Saturday was my first shoot of bunnies for the year.

New bunnies, new bunny wrangler, new bunny sets and to top it off the first kiddo through the door was a new client.


I always get nervous with new clients.

Were they referred to me? Did their friends warn them?

It is almost like that first day of junior high. Will they like me?

Stella walked into the studio with freckles and a little black dress that made her look like she had stepped out of the pages of 1950's Reader with bunnies on the collar.

I had nothing to worry about. Stella had enough personality for the both of us.

If I gave her a direction she took it and ran with.

Ok you are happy. She was Barbra Streisand over the top singing happy.

Ok you are sad. I blinked and she morphed into a sullen Wednesday Adams.

It was fifteen minutes of talking, action and hilarity.

Except at the end. 

Ok Stella I just need you hop on the bed and cuddle with the bunnies.

The acting stopped.

Stella curled up with the bunnies.

The whole world shrunk down to this small little space as the bunnies crowded around her for attention.

These automatically became my favorite from the set. No posing, no acting.

Just a little girl very happy to be doing something so simple as petting a fluffy bunny.

Yup I think we will be doing bunny sessions ever year!

Bunnies 2018-59 copyBunnies 2018-59 copy


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