Fall In Love!

March 08, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Cheesy title right?

Fall Family Photos


When to shoot?

In Nebraska late September and October!

We are starting to get fewer daylight hours.

We try to shoot during golden hour before sunset. The mornings are starting to get to be too cold for kids and we try to stay away from the harsh sunlight between 11 and 2.


What to wear?

Do not wear matching clothes but matching color palettes! If you are not sure Pinterest has wonderful ideas such as these:



I usually say pick the outfit for the toughest family member to dress and coordinate from there.

I try to tell Dads not logos.

For outdoor photos we try not to do outfit changes but coordinate scarves and jackets for a different look so we do not have to find places to change in the cold.


What to bring?

There still might be bugs at some of the grassier locations but I always carry all natural bug spray in my car. I try to encourage my families to put it on before coming though because it works better.

Blankets. I keep quilts in my car but if you have a special family one bring it! Please don't though if you are worried about grass or dirt stains.

Bribery snacks that do not run color such as Smarties and Cheerios.


What to do?

If you don't think your little ones will focus maybe we should go to an orchard to pick apples or do a playground shoot or pumpkin patch. Simple games like Red light Green light and Ring around the Rosie will keep little ones busy.

What we do not do is start with leaves. That is the last thing we do! There is no coming back from the messy hair covered in bits of leaves.

Please do not bring distracting games or toys.


Can't wait to Fall in Love with You!

Family 2016-78Family 2016-78

See what I did there? LOL


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